Neal's Lesson Page

Before I start, I will try this in a different approach for teaching. These days, you can find anything on the web, so if its major scales and the 5 position pentatonic you seek, use google. Because when its new at 1st, it's cool but man when everyone copies and does the same thing, it gets really old fast. And that goes for everything!!!! That's why I want to try something a bit different. So lets begin. For starters, there is something even I have come to realize in life. I am a better teacher than a performer. I think I also have a weird gift. For some reason, I think I have an extra sensory on who has potential and who doesn't. Maybe I should have been a talent scout instead of a musician ;-) Anyways, it doesn't always happen but I think there is an answer to that also. Something my dad said that I finally understand. The presentation of an art is everything and its how you present it to everyone that makes it or breaks it. And with musicians its the same. The humble and professional will go very far but you still have to communicate and be expressive. Musically AND VERBALLY!!!!!!! Seriously, The arrogant ones who think they know it all, sorry but it wont happen for you so change if you think you are gods gift to guitar. There is always someone that going to be better at something. And this goes for you teachers out there too!!! Teachers need to be students as well or you will never improve as a teacher. If you dont believe me, look at your students. Im sure the smart ones get it but for the really bad teachers, I will explain. Think about it. Do they impress you? If not, that mean you are a lousy teacher. But when your students are pretty damn amazing, then you must be doing something right.... Right?

Also for teaching guitar. The guys who want to teach. Use Analogies and simple verbal communication!!!!! This is why teachers like Jon Finn and William Leavitts (although I never knew him but his books are amazing.) are so great. Why I say William Leavitts is because anyone that can take a boring topic (and at times even painful) like learning to read music and make it so simple to understand with his modern method series is pretty amazing. Which do you prefer? A simple step by step method or the old fashion ruler method? Take your pick. Also, dont make it too complicated or you will bore your students to death!!! If you can explain to your students what you are trying to teach them and use simple analogies, they will get it quickly. And make it fun and interesting too. Lot of Jazz guys out there, You are great players but man you guys can make it really boring when it comes to explaining things and alot of them are so arrogant and they think they know it all!! That's the problem, Nobody knows all the answers. Maybe this is why Jazz is so unpopular? It's not that students dont want to learn it, its just boring sometimes. School and learning doesn't have to be boring. Make it fun and the students will want to learn more. Ive had incredible teachers in the past and they usually were very innovative and fun. Just wanted to share that.

Example-> (old style) "Anyways, Here, you can view and download my own private lesson stuff that I give to my own students. In the future, I will post many more stuff so check back frequently. I hope you enjoy them." BORING!!!!

So now I think its time for me to try and teach things a bit differently.

Anyways, lets begin shall we.

I want to start with a few philosophies that I have 1st, I think life's lessons are important in becoming a successful musician and parents should teach these things to their kids. Their environment will make them or break them. I will call them:

Neal's 12 Strange Philosophies

101: Pride Vs Humility: Pride is something that makes us strong, but if too strong, it tends to leads us to ego which ultimately dooms us to failure. Humility is something that comes within, You have to also earn it. I believe it is something that can not be taught but must be shown in order to see the true meaning and light. I believe we should have a balance of both to be successful.

102: Dignity? Is it a good thing or can it be a curse? I think if one has too much of, it can blind you and not see the whole picture clearly but I believe all of us must possess it in order to succeed in life. So what's the best solution? Have a good balance of it to be successful.

103: Ego... The ultimate killer.... This one needs no explanation. Its a universal message I think God is telling me to tell all musicians. Be Humble and you can succeed. Maybe even create a wonderful community and even build something extraordinary. Im sure this one will stir something huge. But lets be positive and I think maybe the world will be a better place.

104: Life's Puzzle: I believe the key to success in life is finding all the right pieces to the puzzle in your life. Most will never understand it. A lot might find a few pieces and find some success. A small few may actually figure it out and find great success. Only a very small handful will ever solve the actual puzzle and become a true legend.

105: Confidence? Something that alot of us lack in. How do we build it? That is always the big question. The problem is, when we are too confident, it lends itself into becoming ego. I guess its a trait that we need to find a good balance within ourselves in order for us to become successful.

106: Critisism: This is a tough subject. Because I am a teacher, I have to use this tool in order to teach my students in order for them to become better and see where they can improve on. The key is it has to be constructive for if its too harsh, it can destroy one's confidence which can lead to other bad traits. The problem is, everyone wants to be a critic but only a few are really qualified to be one. So what are the qualifications to be come a critic? I think that's a good question :-)

107: I believe we have to prioritize our lives in order to become successful. The problem is, it involves being patient in order for the things in life to go through and take its natural course. Something I know I lack in is patience and it has been a killer for me. I am still learning to find its balance. For some its very easy.... others, they just never get it!!! But one thing is for sure is that if we dont prioritize our lives correctly, everything becomes a huge mess.

108: Remind yourself the lesson you learned in life and pass along the teachings. Also listen to others for advice or you may never find an answer. If you are wondering, this is why I am posting these philosophies. As a reminder to myself not to forget the lessons I have learned.... for this is definitely one of my weaknesses. Many times the answer is so simple and clear but it gets distorted very easily. The problem is you listen to many things. I believe not all advices are correct so use your good judgment and common sense. If you feel its a bad advice, you now know what to avoid. So feel free to add to any of my strange philosophies. I am always looking for good answers. :-)

109: Be good to your family and friends I think this is my most important lesson I have finally learned. In life, your family and friends are your teachers and believe it or not, they are also your students as well. They learn from you as you learn from them. Dont ignore them for you will then never learn anything. When they need help, be a teacher and help them. Because some day, Im sure there will be times when you will need guidance as well.

110: Harmony and Peace For he who seeks justice by means of revenge will never find the true meaning of the words inner harmony. For one needs to find tranquility to be at peace or you will always be at war within yourself.

111: Friendship is a 2 way street. You must look both ways and respect the signs before you cross or accidents can happen.

112: Imitation can be the highest form of flattery but when does it become a mockary which can be the worst form of insult? It might be a great comedy routine but always at someones expense.

Ok Now for the regular Guitar Lesson stuff:

Sweep Picking

Lesson 1 : Sweep Charts

Lesson 2 : Sweep Lessons
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